Corporate Innovation
made easyHello there. I am Michael.
My passion is to make companies more innovative.
What I do
I design innovation programs that deliver. And as innovation-coach I help executives and innovation professionals to take the next step. As innovation-trainer and keynote-speaker I assist to inspire and enable their teams.
Programm Design
Program Design
Corporate innovation is more science than art, yet approaches that are proven, pragmatic and complete are still rare. Many people look to startups for inspiration, but large organizations have very different dynamics that need to be taken into account. I use a proven framework that spawns across the complete picture and makes it easy to design programs that deliver.

From Strategic Futures to Design Thinking to Agile Operations, there are countless different methodologies and methods that may help drive innovation. The key part though is not which tools to use, but how to combine relevant aspects in an effective and efficient way to solve your needs. I assemble and create innovation methods that are engaging, practical, and create outcomes.
Innovation needs to become everybody’s job, yet getting many people to act is tricky. Like gardening it is all about creating the right environment for innovation to happen, in the right direction and efficiently. I help through hands-on teaching to reduce barriers, and inspire and equip people with the insights and tools required for driving real impact.

Corporate structures are complex and making large organizations more innovative is positively challenging at best – or outright frustrating at worst. Based on extensive experience I can guide you to understand the current situation, identify what to aim for next, and see how to leverage the environment instead of fighting against it. I help you or your team to take the next step.
The innovation space is (naturally) full of buzzwords, inflated hypes and colorful post-its. Starting with what innovation actually means I love to dissolve the fog and help to unlock a deeper understanding of the innovation dynamics in complex environments. Progress always starts with clarity and inspiration. As keynote speaker, conference chair, or impulse giver at executive events I help to provide both.

“It’s a game changing moment when you move your focus from doing innovation to becoming innovative.”
– Michael Bednar-Brandt
First of all, let’s look at what innovation is not. Innovation is not about idea funnels, as they kill innovation culture. Innovation is not about technology, as the role of technology is “just” to be an enabler or trigger for change. Innovation is not about ideas, as value and momentum is created through execution. Innovation is not about startups (at least in corporate innovation), as their challenges and strengths are too different. Innovation is not about accelerators and external labs, as they do not to change the mothership. Innovation is not about the big transformational project, as these fail on many levels. Innovation is not about focusing on radical innovations, as these do not make you innovative.
To solve corporate innovation, let’s separate the three different levels involved. Level 1 is about doing innovation: establishing the methods, tools and best practices for bringing innovations to market. The focus is on the innovation at hand, caring about the change to be achieved. Level 2 is about scaling innovation: managing processes, resources and portfolio to enable many people to drive innovation. The focus is on the innovators, inspiring and guiding people towards taking effective action. Level 3 is about being innovative: creating the habits, networks and learnings to make innovation everybody’s job. The focus is on the collective, creating the environment where innovation simply happens.

Driving it home with the closing slide: Michael taking the Boye Aarhus 19 conference participants through the seven key elements of the experience economy. Photo: Ib Sørensen
Are you sure you can help?
Try me.
I bring a ton of knowledge, experience and network to the table. And I will clearly tell you if I am not the right person for you or your situation.
But isn't innovation such a buzzword?
The word is used so widely that it sometimes hurts. Being innovative on the other hand is a common sense thing that translates well.
P.S. I can help you to establish clarity across all the buzzwords.
We have a lot to do, your are just one?
No problem.
I prefer helping people to help themselves, which scales well. And I love programmatic solutions, which again scale well. Also there is an international network to lean on.
Do You Work With Startups?
Usually not.
My main focus is corporate innovation: helping scaled organizations to become more innovate. Startup activities may be an element of this.
P.S. Scaleups though might be interesting.
Where do you work?
Mainly in Europe.
I like to work with different cultures and have quite some work experience in other parts of the world, e.g. the US, Brazil, the Middle-East, or South-East Asia. But my core focus clearly is geographical Europe, with English as business language.
P.S: Being a German native speaker I consider the German speaking countries my home turf.
About me.
I have spent my career in technology, marketing, sales, and management. I have worked globally and locally. I have run teams, programs and companies.
Today I love learning about and improving the very fabric of people who are working together to make a difference. I am inspired by complex questions, like how the future of large organizations will look like – where they are highly productive while constantly adapting to change, with ease.
I am strategic, hands-on and helpful.
+43 664 241 65 56